Wallet Management

The Wallet Management endpoints in Signchain allow you to create, retrieve, list, update, and manage the state of wallets within your self-hosted Signchain Vault. These endpoints provide flexibility for securely handling digital wallets, each identified by a unique address, and allow customization of wallet attributes.

Endpoints Overview

The following endpoints are available for managing wallets in your Signchain Vault:

  1. Create Wallet: Creates a new wallet in your Signchain Vault.
  2. Get Wallet: Retrieves details of a specific wallet by its address.
  3. List Wallets: Lists all wallets associated with a specified vault.
  4. Update Wallet: Updates specific attributes, such as the wallet's name.
  5. Expire Wallet: Expires a wallet, deleting it's private key data from the vault after 30 days.
  6. Unexpire Wallet: Restores an expired wallet, preventing it from being deleted.

Access Control

Each wallet operation requires authentication. Refer to the Access Control documentation for more details.

For details on using these endpoints, see each endpoint's documentation linked above. You can find example requests, required parameters, and response formats to help you get started managing wallets in your Signchain Vault.