Getting Started with the JavaScript Client Library

The Signchain JavaScript Client Library simplifies interaction with the Signchain API for secure blockchain transactions and wallet management. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up and make your first API calls using the library in a Node.js environment.


To follow along, ensure you have:

  • Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed (version 12 or higher recommended).
  • Signchain Account: You need an API Key and Vault ID from your Signchain Dashboard.
  • Basic JavaScript Knowledge: Familiarity with JavaScript and asynchronous programming is helpful.

Step 1: Install the Library

First, install the @grexie/signchain package using npm or yarn:

npm install @grexie/signchain


yarn add @grexie/signchain

Step 2: Initialize the Client

To interact with the Signchain API, initialize the SignchainClient with your API Key and Vault ID. This allows your server to securely access Signchain’s services.


const { SignchainClient } = require('@grexie/signchain');

const client = new SignchainClient({
  apiKey: 'your-api-key',
  vaultId: 'your-vault-id',

Replace your-api-key and your-vault-id with the values from your Signchain Dashboard.

Step 3: Create Your First Wallet

Now that the client is initialized, let’s create a wallet. This example demonstrates how to create a wallet within your vault, a typical first step in integrating with Signchain.


async function createWallet() {
  try {
    const wallet = await client.createWallet({ name: 'My Wallet' });
    console.log('Wallet Created:', wallet);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error creating wallet:', error.message);


This code initializes a wallet named “My Wallet” in your vault. The response includes information like the wallet’s unique ID, address, and metadata.

Step 4: Sign a Transaction

Signing transactions securely is one of the core functionalities of Signchain. The sign method allows you to sign transactions using the private keys managed within your vault, ensuring that the keys are kept secure.


const contractABI = [
  // Your contract ABI here

async function signTransaction() {
  try {
    const options = {
      chain: 'ethereum', // or 'bsc', 'polygon', etc.
      contract: '0xYourContractAddress',
      sender: '0xYourSenderAddress',
      abi: contractABI,
      functionName: 'myFunction',
      args: ['param1', 'param2'],

    const { submissionHash, args } = await client.sign(options);
    console.log('Transaction Signed, Submission Hash:', submissionHash);
    return args;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error signing transaction:', error.message);


In this example:

  • Replace 0xYourContractAddress and 0xYourSenderAddress with the actual contract and sender addresses.
  • Provide the ABI of your contract and the function you want to call, along with its arguments in args.

Explanation of submissionHash and args

  • submissionHash: This is a unique identifier that correlates the signed transaction with the transaction generated and recorded in your Signchain Dashboard. It helps track and reference the transaction in the dashboard.
  • args: The args array returned by the sign method contains the transaction data that should be sent back to the user for final execution. This data can be used with libraries like wagmi, viem, or ethers.js to submit the transaction on-chain.

Step 5: Execute the Transaction

To execute the transaction on the blockchain, send the args data to the user or backend, where you can use a library such as wagmi or ethers.js to submit it.

Example with Wagmi

import { useWriteContract, useAccount } from 'wagmi';

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const { writeContractAsync } = useWriteContract();
  const account = useAccount();

  const sendTransaction = async (args) => {
    const tx = await writeContractAsync({
      abi: YourContractABI,
      address: `your_contract_address`,
      account: account.address,
      functionName: `your_contract_function`,
      args: [...args],

    console.log('Transaction Executed:', tx);

  // ...

In this example:

  • Use the args data provided by Signchain to execute the transaction with a connected wallet.
  • The final execution of the transaction can be handled by wagmi, viem, or ethers.js, depending on your setup.

Additional Resources

  • API Reference: Detailed information about each endpoint and parameter.
  • Usage Examples: More advanced examples and use cases to get the most out of the Signchain JavaScript Client Library.
  • Security Best Practices: Recommendations for secure usage of the Signchain library.


With these basics, you’re ready to start integrating the Signchain JavaScript Client Library into your application. From creating wallets to signing and executing transactions, this client library offers a robust and secure way to manage blockchain interactions within your JavaScript environment. Explore more advanced usage and configurations in our Usage Examples section!